uu speaking of bad restaurant visits:
J. Davidson wrote:
> Years ago my husband and I went into a restaurant rather late, there
> was only one other couple there and they had a toddler with them.
> The child began throwing mashed potatoes at my husband, luckily he
> was a poor shot.
Heh... when I was 19 years old I was working in a retail store. I had to
wear nice clothes for the job. In this instance I had on a silk blouse a
nice skirt and stockings. So this co-worker (yes, Sqwertz! I bitch about
co-workers from even back then!) met me for lunch at a diner in the Mall.
And she ordered her 2 year old son french fries and she was quite liberal
with the ketchup.
Her toddler started tossing ketchup-laden fries at me. I had to go back to
work! And all she said to the little monster was "Quit!" Like a 2 year old
was going to listen to "quit". I wanted to slap the hell out him. And her,
I went back to work with ketchup stains on my nice skirt and blouse and
really ****ed off (after having bummed a towel and some club soda from the
gal up front in the restaurant to sort of clean up).
That was not a pleasant lunch and we certainly didn't repeat it. I've no
idea why people *procreate* when they won't control their kids at the dinner
table. Or in public places. Or in front of guests. Don't get me started!