Sheldon wrote:
> On Feb 19, 2:58?pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> J. Davidson wrote:
>>> Years ago my husband and I went into a restaurant rather late, there
>>> was only one other couple there and they had a toddler with them.
>>> The child began throwing mashed potatoes at my husband, luckily he
>>> was a poor shot.
>> Heh... when I was 19 years old I was working in a retail store. I
>> had to wear nice clothes for the job. In this instance I had on a
>> silk blouse a nice skirt and stockings. So this co-worker (yes,
>> Sqwertz! I bitch about co-workers from even back then!) met me for
>> lunch at a diner in the Mall. And she ordered her 2 year old son
>> french fries and she was quite liberal with the ketchup.
>> Her toddler started tossing ketchup-laden fries at me. I had to go
>> back to work! And all she said to the little monster was "Quit!"
>> Like a 2 year old was going to listen to "quit". I wanted to slap
>> the hell out him. And her, too.
>> I went back to work with ketchup stains on my nice skirt and blouse
>> and really ****ed off (after having bummed a towel and some club
>> soda from the gal up front in the restaurant to sort of clean up).
>> That was not a pleasant lunch and we certainly didn't repeat it.
>> I've no idea why people *procreate* when they won't control their
>> kids at the dinner table. Or in public places. Or in front of
>> guests. Don't get me started!
>> Jill
> Why didn't you call a cop and file a complaint, take everyone's ID
> info and statements and file in small claims court for damages...
> greasy ketchup stains are not going to come completely out of a silk
> blouse... that future Charles Manson's mother owes you a silk blouse.
1979 was not exactly the litigious U.S. of A. we live in now. The cops
would have laughed me out of the place and so would the court system.
Fortunately I "graduated" from working in retail to working in an office.
There were no food courts and no toddlers with ketchup and fries.