Mid-week survey on the RFC site: Tofu...
Dave wrote on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 16:06:20 -0500:
DS> Christine Dabney wrote:
??>> I voted yes to both questions.. And I was a gal that
??>> hated tofu the first time I tried it. Then I started
??>> liking it when I had it in Hot and Sour Soup. Then I
??>> think I tried it in Ma-Po Tofu and was hooked. I then
??>> found a recipe in the Moosewood low fat cookbook
??>> called Vietnamese Hot and Sour Soup that calls for tofu.
??>> Wonderful stuff.
To me, tofu is tasteless! Tho' it provides protein, gives a
small amount of texture and absorbs some flavors, it is not one
of my enthusiasms! Frankly, I can't understand the great things
that some people say about it :-)
I'll admit that are some interesting things done in the orient
including freeze-drying which gives a much more chewy texture
(Buddhist Duck, I think). IMHO, unless you have religious
"reasons", I'd stick to the real thing since freeze-dried tofu,
even home-made, is expensive! Apparently, Japanese farmers used
to do this naturally in winter; freezing tofu and letting it
unfreeze to release the moisture on warmer days. You can
simulate this by freezing for about three days and then letting
the tofu drain in the regular section of the fridge. Also,
regular tofu can be marinaded and baked which does produce
something worth considering.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: