You have picked the best city in the world for gourmet food and you are a
vegetarian? Wow, your resolve will be tested every single day. French chefs
are the best in the world. Good Luck! May I be so bold as to suggest a movie
not in keeping with your vegetarian lifestyle.
La Grande Bouffe
Four successful middle-aged men Marcello, a pilot; Michel, a television
executive; Ugo, a chef; and, Philippe, a judge go to Philippe's villa to eat
themselves to death. After the first night, Marcello insists that women
should join them. Three prostitutes make it through a day or two; Andrea, a
local school teacher, stays to the end. The villa, the food, and a Bugati
roadster are essential props
I have a sick sense of humor so take anything you see from me with a grain
of salt.
Farmer John