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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Mid-week survey on the RFC site: Tofu...

TammyM > wrote:

>"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message

>> Dawn wrote:

>>> I've cooked with it in the past, but can't say there's
>>> enough flavor to like or dislike. If I cook with it again it
>>> will be for the sole purpose of having little white cubes of
>>> nothing in whatever soup or stir-fry I make. It's not much more
>>> than bulk filler to stretch a meal.

Seasoning tofu and frying it a little helps alot. (But adds
some fat.) And certain fresh/botique tofus are much tastier
than the standard stuff.

>> For "meatless" I much prefer seitan, it's available in
>> many flavors at yer local Asian market, health food store,
>> can make yer own but it seems to be a PITA.

>> A poster above mentioned "Buddhist duck", IIRC the Buddhist monks
>> developed seitan as a meatless alternative. Done well, it's very,
>> very good...

It is good, but it's worth remembering the protein quality of
seitan is far below tofu, and even below that of whole wheat (since
it's made from just some of the proteins in wheat). Some
commercial seitans combat this by adding e.g. garbanzo flour.

An alternative is tempeh, which has some of the texture/flavor
advantages of seitan, but is still a soybean product.
