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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 3,342
Default A liquid diet was: stuff to drink while suffering

James Silverton <> wrote:

> I am in process of having some dental implants installed. It's
> not the first time and, for reasons I won't detail, I am on a
> "soft diet" for about a week. Suggested foods are soups,
> yoghurt, jello, soft-boiled eggs and mashed potatoes and this I
> remember from the last time got old very quickly. Can anyone
> suggest other foods that might add a little interest?

There is, of course, enormous variety of soups to choose from, so at
least this part of your diet shouldn't get old too quickly. As to
mashed potatoes, you can make rissoles out of them and stuff them with,
say, finely minced sautéed or stewed mushrooms, or with cooked and
finely minced meat. Serve the mushroom-filled version with sour cream
and the meat-filled one with mushroom sauce. Make various kashas, for
example semolina kasha which can be savoury or sweet. Make Indian dal
dishes. Also consider pease pudding. For dessert, make kisel, a fruit
juice, starch, sugar and water or milk concoction, a kind of fool. Or
indeed make a fresh fruit fool with berries, sugar and cream. Or crème
brûlée. Or mousse au chocolat.
