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Dave Bugg Dave Bugg is offline
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Posts: 3,622
Default Just whining about a purchase

> or that a disabled woman would use if her hands did not work
> right............ get a conscious kids. i would not wish my
> disability on so spare us all your damnation. It just makes u look
> very small in my world. think before u damn someone and find out who
> u r slamming.. a better post bye u and dave would have been - is
> there a reason u use so mush short hand in your posts? and i would
> have told u i had secondary progressive ms and was slowly losing most
> of the control of my fingers hands legs and bladder.

I'm not buying your excuses. You can write whole words, and you seem to have
little difficulty as evidenced by your ability to provide a rapid response
to what I've written. The fact that you selectively use shorthand makes you
a whiner.

Save the sob-story about MS; you are just trying to justify your sheer
laziness. I have more experience and firsthand knowlege with MS than you