Ordered my new grill today
On 2007-02-23, raymond > wrote:
> Summit S-450 from Home Depot.
> At first I had rejected Weber because I didn't like the 2006 Summits.
> But when I saw the 2007s, I decided to wait until they were available.
> Had to wait a month for them to show up on HD's website as in stock.
> I wanted good quality cause I cook on it seven days a week during the
> summer to help out the A/C indoors, so I went a cut above the
> Char-Broils and Charm-Glows, which, according to what I read, are now
> made in China. The S-450 is about $1900 with tax and delivery, which
> leaves me cash from my bonus to put in the bank.
> It looks like they've incorporated the Ducane design with Weber's
> features. Ducane's are heavily discounted everywhere, and it won't
> surprise me if you can't get them after this year. If so, that means I
> wouldn't be able to get parts in about five years when it's time to
> start replacing worn out ones. Weber parts for the S-450 should be
> around for years.
> I considered the S-650, but decided that was overkill. My old Ducane
> has been ample for my needs and the S-450 has 538 square inches of
> cooking area compared to 300 for my 20-year-old Ducane, which is going
> to the dump. No need to burn gas to heat unused cooking grids.
Hmm.. Should I ask what sort of stuff you're planning on using it
for? I'm guessing nothing but hot-n-fast (as opposed to low-n-slow)?
I'm a recent convert away from hot-n-fast and while I still do that
sort of cooking (steak searing, pizzas requiring LOTS of heat,shrimp,etc),
I also use my new grill for low-n-slow 15-20+ hour cooks and couldn't
do without the smoking abilities I've now got. We'll be doing some
pizzas sometime this weekend since I got my new Fibrament pizza stone
the other day (my old one, a pampered chef model, exploded in the
BBQ several months ago when doing pizzas at ~750degrees) and can't
wait.. Regardless, I hope you enjoy your new toy!