Anybody heard from serene?
Serene Vannoy > wrote in news:5495b5F1vclddU1
> Steve Pope wrote:
>> Serene Vannoy > wrote:
>>> My computer died a sudden and horrible death, and then my new Vista
>>> (*ptui*) machine gave me shit when I tried to install my preferred
>>> newsreader. But I'm here, trying to catch up. It may be a losing
>>> battle.
>> Hmm. I'm due to buy a new 'puter (the current one was new
>> in 1999) and was assuming I'd get Vista on it as it's the
>> latest thing. Maybe I should back down from that idea.
> I've had nothing but trouble with it, even in a house with a pretty
> competent geek, who now says he will never get a Vista machine so
> long as he lives.
Looks like the 'geek' may never have another computer!!!
Peter Lucas
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual
beings having a human experience.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin