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JoeSpareBedroom JoeSpareBedroom is offline
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Default A "BANQUET" DIET ?

"<RJ>" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 00:38:06 GMT, "JoeSpareBedroom"
> >
> wrote:
>>> It occurs to me that one could eat
>>> one TV dinner for breakfast, another for lunch,
>>> and two TV dinners for supper
>>> and still stay within 1200 > 1500 calories a day.
>>> <rj>

>>Why would you entertain such an idea? Cost, or simplicity?

> BOTH !
> Many diets fail during meal planning/meal prep/calory counting.
> This takes away all the fuss.
> Buy a bunch of ( reasonably priced ) boxes
> Pop one in the microwave
> Eat.
> No choice, no fuss......
> For some, a 350cal "diet bar" might do the same thing.
> But the hot gravy&mashies in the Banquet would be "comfort food"
> <rj>

I don't mean to be rude, but I've been reading your responses since
yesterday, and I've come to a conclusion: You are lazy.

Planning healthy meals is not rocket science. You go to the store. Your
first stop should be the produce department. Think of each meal, and how you
need to see multiple colors on the plate. Unless your store absolutely
sucks, you should be able to come home with enough vegetables & fruit to
last a few days, or even a week, if you pay attention to how your
refrigerator affects various foods in terms of keeping quality. Go easy on
the spuds, but if you must have them, find a way to use less, but make them
really tasty. Buy the little red ones and eat just two, not seven.

No butter on the vegetables. Period. End of discussion. If you must flavor
them somehow, put a couple of crushed garlic cloves in a little olive oil
and let them marinate for a couple of days. Remove the garlic and put the
oil in the fridge. It'll partially solidify, which makes it a little easier
to handle. 1/2 teaspoon is enough to jazz up two cups of cooked broccoli. It
works because it says hello to your sense of smell, which is a large part of
enjoying your food.

Twice a week, cut up a bunch of citrus fruit into bite size pieces and keep
them in a glass bowl that always stays on the top shelf of the fridge, so
that's the first thing you see. Keep a box of toothpicks handy. There's your
quick snack. Not the whole bowl, but a few bites.

There are a million ways to cook chicken breasts without turning them into a
fat carnival.