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Scott[_6_] Scott[_6_] is offline
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Posts: 37

In article >,
"MOMPEAGRAM" > wrote:

> Subject: Allah or Jesus
> I thought you would enjoy this.
> A real eye opener.

> ****************
> This is a true story and the author, Rick Mathes,
> is a well known leader in prison ministry

Except that it's false:


Reporter Greg Kearney, writing for the Lee News Service, traced the
story to a correctional facility in Fulton, Missouri, and came away with
a decidedly different version of events from Missouri state officials.

According to Tim Kniest, Public Information Officer for the Missouri
Department of Corrections, the event described was a training program
for prison volunteers, for which ministers from several faiths were
invited to give presentations in order to acquaint prison volunteers
with the varied religious beliefs of the inmate population. The man who
gave the presentation about Islam was <U>not</U> a Muslim minister; he
was an inmate pressed into service to present a short film on Islam and
answer some questions when the prison's Volunteer Coordinator was
"unable to find an Imam to speak."

Moreover, reported Mr. Kniest, the prison's Volunteer Coordinator said
that "The inmate did a good job," adding, "He was asked a few questions
that were beyond his ability to answer. But he was not asked anything
like that question [in Mathes' editorial]":

". . . the Volunteer Coordinator at the prison said that no such
exchange as the editorial reported ever took place. "He certainly did
not 'Hang his head in shame'," according to Kniest. In fact, the inmate
was thanked by the assembly before being escorted back to his quarters.
Furthermore, the coordinator does not recall any questions dealing with
jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world as reported in the

In the editorial the inmate is presented as an Imam, or Islamic
minister, which he clearly was not."

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