On Feb 25, 12:02�pm, Omelet > wrote:
> In article >,
> *Chatty Cathy > wrote:
> >http://www.recfoodcooking.com/
> > Vote now!
> > --
> > Cheers
> > Chatty Cathy
> Only if I can't get it locally. :-)
> I finally found local Shiritake but I had to order dried black soybeans
> from Eden foods...
> The shipping tends to make on line food _expensive_!
No, not at all... most of the site's I patronize offer free shipping
or very low cost shipping... like my 50 pound sacks of buckwheat and
steel cut oats cost me $5 shipping, and that's for both, a 100 lb
order... in fact they'll ship all you order for the same $5. It's the
same with Zenobia nuts, and Sunmaid dried fruits, and others. Even if
I could buy the same products at local stores (can't, not same quality
and at the same low prices) it would still cost me more than $5
driving and my time and effort... the UPS guy brought those heavy
packages right to my door.
I hate when people gripe about the shipping costs, as if they can
drive their cars for free and their time and labor has no value.