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Puester Puester is offline
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Default Cooking-related time management question

Mitch wrote:
> I've never had YP before, so I wasn't sure what
> to expect. Mine came out pretty dark brown, but definitely not burnt.
> Is it supposed to be golden brown?
> It was crispy on the outside, and fluffy on the inside. They rose up
> huge.
> Everyone who said they weren't going to even try it because it sounded
> gross when I was making it, ended up having seconds and thirds.
> The standing rib roast was ecellent, too, although it took an hour
> longer than I planned! I followed the 15 minutes per pound recipe,
> and it was way off.

It sounds wonderful. That's my family's favorite meal.

The YP should be about as brown as a whole wheat bread crust, otherwise
it won't be cooked enough in the center. We have gotten used to it with
a bit of garlic powder in the batter, or the baking dish rubbed with the
cut side of a clove of garlic. Delicious.

I'm glad your people tried it even though they thought it sounded gross.
Willingness to try new foods shows some class. Glad they liked it.

gloria p