Thread: Hominy Grits
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Hominy Grits

> Speaking as a southerner who likes grits, they aren't just bland
> they're awful unless they've been "doctored". I prefer butter and
> salt, some like cheese grits, some like it with milk and sugar. There
> are many variations.

I never had grits until about 10 years ago. They don't exist here in
Canada. I was in Virginia and we stopped for breakfast in Manassas. The
waitress asked me if I wanted grits. I asked her what it is. She told me
"Grits is grits." Fine, but what is it. She called over another waitress
and said "This gentleman wants to know what grits is"
Second waitress dais "Grist is grits". Fine, but what is that. "It's made
with hominy." I didn't know what hominy was. The waitress said "You ain't
never had grits? I'll bring you some". It was delicious. I bought some
before I came back over the border. That was about 15 years ago. They still
don't sell grits here.