Hillary's Presidential hopes shot dead on Meet the Press! :)))
"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> Paul M. Cook said...
>> Way too early for you to be so confident.
> Why not? I'm entitled. Whether you saw the program or not, there's not
> going to another Clinton in the white house.
You're entitled? You ****ing dolt. Put down the booze, come back tomorrow,
and explain the entire premise of your original post in this thread.
Since you're too hammered to understand the word "premise", here's something
for you. Have your toilet explain it to you.
Main Entry: 1prem·ise
Variant(s): also pre·miss /'pre-m&s/
Function: noun
Etymology: in sense 1, from Middle English premisse, from Anglo-French, from
Medieval Latin praemissa, from Latin, feminine of praemissus, past
participle of praemittere to place ahead, from prae- pre- + mittere to send;
in other senses, from Middle English premisses, from Medieval Latin
praemissa, from Latin, neuter plural of praemissus
1 a : a proposition antecedently supposed or proved as a basis of argument
or inference; specifically : either of the first two propositions of a
syllogism from which the conclusion is drawn b : something assumed or taken
for granted : PRESUPPOSITION
2 plural : matters previously stated; specifically : the preliminary and
explanatory part of a deed or of a bill in equity
3 plural [from its being identified in the premises of the deed] a : a tract
of land with the buildings thereon b : a building or part of a building
usually with its appurtenances (as grounds)