Hillary's Presidential hopes shot dead on Meet the Press! :)))
Paul M. Cook wrote:
> <sf> wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sun, 25 Feb 2007 18:19:11 -0600, Andy <q> wrote:
>>> You're OK with an impeached president back in the white house (as
>>> 1st "Gentleman")?
>> Nixon was impeached, not Clinton.
>> Bush is lucky he had a majority in the house and senate or there
>> would have been an impeachment movement against him (it's coming).
>> As it is the Dems won't actually impeach Bush because look who takes
>> his place! Better to have Dumbo in office. He might be stupid, but
>> at least he's not evil.
> Nixon was not impeached. He surely would have been and the votes
> were there in the senate to convict. So he was talked into
> resigning. Clinton was impeached. He was never convicted in fact
> the senate exonerated him of the charges. An impeachment is the
> equivalent of a criminal indictment.
> Paul
Yes, Paul is correct, Nixon resigned before he could be impeached. Clinton
was impeached. Impeach does not mean de-presidented (I just made up a new
word). :~)