Dreaded fish sticks.
Andy wrote:
> As a kid, we ate Mrs. Paul's brand fish sticks. The only fish I'd eat.
> Until... one day (maybe 10-y.o.) I was sitting with a plate of them
> and playing with my food, began forking the breading off a fish
> stick, finally revealing a perfectly shaped rectangular "brick" of
> pressed grey matter.
> Grossed me out. "What kind of fish is that?" I never ate another fish
> stick. Didn't have a problem with her fried clams, thankfully!
> Did you dread the fish stick?
> Andy
I used to LOVE fish sticks as a kid; I've always been a fish fiend anyway.
Whenever my parents got us a babysitter, it was guaranteed fish sticks with
Kraft Mac N Cheese with peas for dinner that night. I've had fish sticks
lately, as an adult, and they're absolutely disgusting! LOL. I burp their
greasy taste up for hours after consumption. I prefer breading and frying
my own, thank you. Much less grease, I know what's under the breading, and
I can choose my own coating ingredients. No more frozen fish sticks, ack!