Dreaded fish sticks.
Little Malice wrote:
> One time on Usenet, "kilikini" > said:
>> Steve Wertz wrote:
>>> Anybody tried the fish sticks at CostCo? They're advertised as
>>> not minced, and are actual pieces of fish. Also with "less
>>> breading".
>>> I've actually had a craving for these lately, but won't touch the
>>> minced crapola.
>>> -sw
>> Come on over, Steve. Flounder is on sale at $2.99 a pound. I've
>> got panko, we'll cook.
> Oooh, that sounds really good! Maybe I'll talk DH into trying it. He's
> not a fan of fish or seafood, unfortunately, but he did have a shrimp
> cocktail and some salmon chowder while dining out the other night, so
> who knows? Thanks for the idea, Kili... :-)
Absolutely, my pleasure. :~)