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~xy~ ~xy~ is offline
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Posts: 390
Default Polish Meatball Sandwich??

> Any Polish people out there know what I am talking about? It was flat
> like a hamburger and oh so good!

This is all Google has to offer...

A man of Polish ancestry walked up to the counter and asked
for a Polish Meatball Sandwich. The man at the counter said,
"What a Pollack."
The Polish man said, "I resent that. If a Jew came to your
counter and asked for a kosher salami on rye, would you call
him a stupid Jew."
"Probably, " replied the clerk.
"And if an Italian came in here and asked for spaghetti and
meatballs, would you also insult him?"
"Probably," the clerk again replied.
"Why you're nothing but a bigot. It's people like you that
fill the world with prejudice and racism. Why do you have to
insult everyone that isn't the same as you?"
The clerk leaned forward and replied, "because this is a
HARDWARE store, moron."