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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default Sick of being sick...ideas please?

Ok, a little background. As many here may know, I am diabetic. Last week as I sat
down to breakfast Thursday morning, I was stricken quite out of the blue with some
pretty bad stomach cramps. Not the usual, abdominally located stuff, but up high,
between the ribs. They continued intermittently all day and the next day. Friday we
went to an early dinner with friends. I hadn't had any pain in several hours, and
thought it had passed. Then during dinner they hit again with a new ferocity. By that
night I was quite sick and unable to keep down anything at all. All the next day the
same thing. By Sunday morning, I was able to keep down small sips of Sprite and
water. Decided to try breakfast. Had a waffle, which I hate less than half of, and
some tea. Felt a bit better so decided last evening to try dinner. Around the third
bite, I had the distinct feeling I had been too ambitious. This morning, I lost last
nights dinner. All day, stomach cramps and so much noise! Gurgling and such.

I've never experienced anything quite like this. Nausea and throwing up, I'm quite
familiar with. Spent 18 months (pregnancies) doing that all day, every day. This is
somewhat different, with the high cramps and all the noise. Does this sound like food
poisoning? Or a stomach virus? I'm trying to stay hydrated, and am keeping down
liquids. Ate a small amount of macaroni noodles this afternoon, and so far they've
stayed down too.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? I am afraid to check my blood
sugars...between sipping sprite and being unable to keep down the meds, I'm sure
they're out of whack. I have an appointment Wednesday (the soonest they could get me
in...apparently they've been bombarded with sick people the last couple weeks), but
was hoping to find some form of relief before then....
