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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Sick of being sick...ideas please?

sandi wrote:
> "Nexis" > wrote in
> :
>> Ok, a little background. As many here may know, I am diabetic.
>> Last week as I sat down to breakfast Thursday morning, I was
>> stricken quite out of the blue with some pretty bad stomach
>> cramps. Not the usual, abdominally located stuff, but up high,
>> between the ribs. They continued intermittently all day and
>> the next day.

>> Has anyone experienced anything like this? I am afraid to
>> check my blood sugars...between sipping sprite and being
>> unable to keep down the meds, I'm sure they're out of whack. I
>> have an appointment Wednesday (the soonest they could get me
>> in...apparently they've been bombarded with sick people the
>> last couple weeks), but was hoping to find some form of relief
>> before then....
>> kimberly

> Sounds like the stomach flu thats going around. I had it for 3+
> days. Others have had it up to a week, even my Dr.

Maybe the "BRAT" diet; bananas, rice (plain), applesauce and tea. Oh, and
plain dry toast or plain pasta, maybe in some (not highly spiced) broth. It
works (mostly). Plenty of liquid; if Sprite works or ginger ale, fine (if
it doesn't interfere with your diabetes) but definitely water and a plain
broth. I remember a time I came down with a rather nasty case of the flu
and the nurse called to tell me the doctor had called in sick. Sounded
rather ironic but I'm surprised it hadn't happened at least once in previous
years; after all, they are around sick (contagious) people all day. Hope
you feel better soon!
