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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default req: dipping bread recipe

On Feb 27, 10:28�am, enigma > wrote:
> my kid is really fond of olive oil & herb dipping stuff. he
> also enjoys bread making, so i'm looking for a good dipping
> bread recipe.
> *i do have a bread machine, but i don't like baking the loaf
> in it because it always ends up lopsided.

I can't think of any bread that's not good for dipping/sopping, in
olive oil or for sopping up gravy. I have my personal favortites but
they may not be yours, I'm partial to rye and whole grain... but a
safe bet is any white bread.

And in all the years I've made bread in an ABM I've not once ended up
with a lopsided loaf... sometimes somewhat collapsed, but collapsed
evenly, never lopsided... to me lopsided means not baked to even
doneness throughout the entire length of the loaf. I think it's very
difficult to produce lopsided bread even in a conventional oven...
lopsided cakes but not breads. I've made bread by hand that turned
out *uneven* from one end of the loaf to the other but only because I
formed them unevenly, so only uneven dimensionally, not unevenly
baked... no way does that affect the dipability/sopability.... becaue
for dipping/sopping I don't slice bread, I rip off a hunk... produces
better surface texture.
