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merryb merryb is offline
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Default Sick of being sick...ideas please?

On Feb 26, 6:17 pm, "Nexis" > wrote:
> Ok, a little background. As many here may know, I am diabetic. Last week as I sat
> down to breakfast Thursday morning, I was stricken quite out of the blue with some
> pretty bad stomach cramps. Not the usual, abdominally located stuff, but up high,
> between the ribs. They continued intermittently all day and the next day. Friday we
> went to an early dinner with friends. I hadn't had any pain in several hours, and
> thought it had passed. Then during dinner they hit again with a new ferocity. By that
> night I was quite sick and unable to keep down anything at all. All the next day the
> same thing. By Sunday morning, I was able to keep down small sips of Sprite and
> water. Decided to try breakfast. Had a waffle, which I hate less than half of, and
> some tea. Felt a bit better so decided last evening to try dinner. Around the third
> bite, I had the distinct feeling I had been too ambitious. This morning, I lost last
> nights dinner. All day, stomach cramps and so much noise! Gurgling and such.
> I've never experienced anything quite like this. Nausea and throwing up, I'm quite
> familiar with. Spent 18 months (pregnancies) doing that all day, every day. This is
> somewhat different, with the high cramps and all the noise. Does this sound like food
> poisoning? Or a stomach virus? I'm trying to stay hydrated, and am keeping down
> liquids. Ate a small amount of macaroni noodles this afternoon, and so far they've
> stayed down too.
> Has anyone experienced anything like this? I am afraid to check my blood
> sugars...between sipping sprite and being unable to keep down the meds, I'm sure
> they're out of whack. I have an appointment Wednesday (the soonest they could get me
> in...apparently they've been bombarded with sick people the last couple weeks), but
> was hoping to find some form of relief before then....
> kimberly

A couple of months after my last son was born, I woke up one morning
feeling like I had been run over by a semi. Over the next day, I
developed the WORST cramps. It felt like a huge bubble, and was quite
uncomfortable. Things were moving, but the evil bubble remained. It
remained there for over a week. I believe I had the flu- I was so weak
that I couldn't pick up my 2 month old son. It sounds like you are
experiencing something like I did. I hope you feel better soon!