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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default What is the best way to make iced tea?

> wrote in message
>I have been told a number of methods. The one I have seen used a lot
> in Asia is half a cup of hot strong tea pour into half glass of ice.
> Any suggestion?

Depends on how much you're making, really. Personally, if I'm making just a glass for
me to have, say, with lunch, I'll do just as you described, with more ice, pouring
strong hot tea over a glass full of ice. When I'm making a pitcher of, say, Hot
Cinnamon Spice tea, I'll heat water to just below a boil, and add several bags then
let it steep. Depending on how much ice I have at the time, I'll either pour it over
ice or add it to cold water in the pitcher till it's full.

It's really a matter of personal taste. Personally, for me, sun tea and cold brewed
tea is not flavorful enough.

Most important is to start out with good tea. Lipton is bitter and not very
flavorful. Tetley is a good economical alternative, if that's an issue, and if you're
just looking for an inexpensive, easy, beverage. If you are really into tea, like I
am, you'll want to experiment with many different and find what suits you best.
