I know, I know: this group is about food, not travel. And I could
always try Google to find what I need. But personal experience can
be more informative. And I've gotten to know many of you here, and
value your insights, so you're getting stuck with this question. ;-)
Hubby and I are travelling to Victoria, B.C. next weekend. I've been
there 4 times already (lovely city!), but most of those trips were
as a minor and all were pre 9/11. Given that, I figured I should read
up on rules and things and found the following:
"American Customs Regulations
After 48 hours stay in Canada, Americans are allowed $400 duty-free
merchandise once every 31 days for personal use. Less than 48 hours
stay, the allowance is $200 of merchandise."
Now, the whole notion of "customs" has always mystified me (no, I
don't get to travel much). What are "duties", exactly ? And what
the heck are they talking about when they ask you if you have anything
"to claim"? In my previous trips to Canada, I've just said "nothing,
I think" and opened my bags for them to look through. Nothing like
the bliss of ignorance.
This time, I'd like to know what I'm doing, so if any of you travellers
have some simple answers to the above, I would greatly appreciate it.
OBFood: We've got reservations for Tea at the Empress on Saturday,
yum! And while I can't remember the exact location, there's a little
fish and chips shop that I can't wait to visit again. Luckily, Hubby
is a human compass; if he's been there before, he'll find it again...
j*ni p. ~ mom, gamer, novice cook ~
...fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!