A very old kitchen
"Sheldon" > wrote in message
On Feb 24, 9:04?am, jay > wrote:
>> Interesting. I would tear it all out and start over. I don't see anything
>> that I would keep at all .. nothing. The sub zero is garbage.
>Agreed... for a house built in 1972 (that's not old at all)it's
trashed. My houe was built in 1955 and is all original and >in pristine
condition. Someone really abused your house terribly. It's trashed,
>it's all garbage, in fact it was all garbage when new. I can tell
>from the general construction that house is a total piece of shit,
cheapest doors, mouldings, floor coverings, counters, the >basic house
was done the cheapest way possible... but someone obviously had a
>connection to somebody who sold all those stupid appliances (that can
>opener is a doozy), because more money was spent on those gadgety
>thingies than all the rest of the house itself.
Lol...that can opener is GROSS, that particular pic would do justice to a VD
textbook (the caption to the picture reads, "This is what happened when
CYBERCAT did not get her "pussy" disease cured at her local prophylactic
station, this is now a TERTIARY case of pernicious VD")...GAWD...!!!
Everything in those pics looks as if touched by pellagra (it's the South, no
surprise)...looks like Palmetto Bug Paradise.
That built in "stereo" is Zippy the Pinhead stuff by even . c. 1972
standards. The brand is "NuTone", never heard of it (or maybe they were a
manufacturer of door chimes who decided to "branch out"...???). That record
player is of the very cheapest manufacture, akin to what I had in my very
first kiddie Magnavox suitcase record player c. 1964. I notice a headphone
jack, now who would stand in front of a wall - mounted kitchen sound system
wearing a pair of headphones (SQUIRTZ perhaps...). At that time you could
get quality built - in home sound systems, this most certainly is *not*