Gumbo Cookalong, was New survey on the RFC site - Talking about foods we dislike....
dtwright37 said...
> On Feb 27, 4:42 pm, "kilikini" > wrote:
>> elaine wrote:
>> > Sounds good. I've never made gumbo and I don't think I've ever even
>> > eaten it!
>> > I'll do a search. For some reason I think there is pasta in it.
>> > Will have to check.
>> > elaine
>> No pasta, but it's usually served with rice. If you're on a low carb
>> kick, I'll bet you can leave it out.
> Sure you can leave the rice out. I serve it in those wide, cheap,
> white with blue fishes painted on them, Chinese bowls, with a mound of
> rice in the middle and the gumbo ladeled around the rice. Good stuff,
> but it would be almost as good without the rice. Maybe. ;-)
> David
It could be orzo instead of rice!?