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ms_peacock ms_peacock is offline
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Default U eat 123 pound hamburger??

"cathy" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 27 Feb 2007 18:41:29 -0500, Dickie Peters
> > wrote:
>>Pa. Restaurant Creates 123-Pound Burger
>>By Associated Press
>>4 hours ago
>>The sizable sandwich features an 80-pound beef patty, along with a
>>pound each of lettuce, ketchup, relish, mustard and mayonnaise, 160
>>slices of cheese, up to five onions and 12 tomatoes.
>>It's topped with a couple of pounds of banana peppers, then sandwiched
>>into a 30-pound bun. Don't forget the garnish of 33 pickles.
>>There's a pretty hefty price tag, too: $379.


> 80 pounds of hamburger.....that should feed about 150 people....that's
> a pretty good price, it comes to just $2.50 per person! What a great
> idea for a big party! Trouble is, there's a lot of variables: how big
> is the thing and what on earth do they serve it/package it on/in? And
> how long does it take to cook it? HOW do they cook it? What do they
> cook it on? Or in? What shape does it take?
> And....have they ever actually made one??
> Cathy

Since there was a picture with the original news story I would say they made
it. I can't find the pic now though. It's big. It just looked like a
giant hamburger. It looked like it was a good 3 feet across and probably at
least a foot high.

I don't think the point is to actually serve the thing though, I think the
world record is probably the point.

Ms P