kitchen mistakes
Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> Isn't that the truth. When I'm not in the room, all hell breaks loose. When
> I am in the room they are sweet and docile little souls, but everything has
> to be a huge debate with them. Same with the dog. Ramsey is the worst of
> them all. He actually sleeps on top of the curtain rods in the den. When
> one of us walks in he flys around like a bat and gets down. Ramsey can now
> open door knobs too, if he can get a good grip. He's been eyeballing the
> light on the alarm system lately... Gawd.
We used to have a cat who would run down the hall toward the bedrooms
and leap up the wall to flick on the overhead light switch. She didn't
do it often, but we saw her do it 3 or 4 times.
She also would climb an aluminum extension ladder to see what my husband
was doing up on the roof and would lie in the rain gutter with her chin
hanging over to watch him paint the house. She died at age 23 and we
have never attempted to replace her because she was one of a kind.
gloria p