Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Feb 2007 01:01:30 GMT, "Michael \"Dog3\" Lonergan"
> > rummaged among random neurons and opined:
> Michael, I hate to confess, but this is one of the reasons why I hate
> cats. Not cats in general, just don't want 'em in my house. You can
> train a dog not to snag something off a counter, but you can't train a
> cat. You also can't train a cat to keep off kitchen counters or any
> other surface that you don't want germ-ified. I'm sure your cats are
> sweet li'l critters, but I just hate cats in a house.
> Terry Pulliam Burd
My oldest brother's cats jump all over the counters in the kitchen, on the
dining room table, etc. And, like you, it makes me cringe. I must have
been blessed with the only cat who doesn't leap up on tables or counters.
The only counter I *ever* saw her jump up on was the one in my bathroom when
I had the water running. She likes to drink from a running faucet. I
solved that problem very simply by getting her a Drinkwell pet fountain