Maple Syrup
I have been out of the loop for awhile (rotten sick, not Norwalk) and just
laying about looking at food television and reading my cookbooks....
Question that rose from this lolling......
Maple syrup......what do you put it on. I am soooooo disgusted by my
Pennsylvania Dutch neighbors lately in that they put it on EVERYTHING.
Can't go to the diner without syrup for your breakfast meats, ham, scrapple,
sausage, corned beef hash..... Then dinner, syrup for the ham, the turkey,
the pork, the beef........and lets not forget the starches and veggies, they
have to have their dollop of syrup too. Can't go in the deli without all
the meats being Honey ham, honey turkey, maple ham, maple turkey, cinnamon
sugared ham, c/s turkey, etc. The last straw was syrup poured
over......(drum roll please)......dill pickles. If my stomach had been torn
up, that would have been the end of me, as I was nauseated by the thought of
that one. Is it just a local phenomena that syrup gets poured on