Thread: Maple Syrup
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Maple Syrup

Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> I have been out of the loop for awhile (rotten sick, not Norwalk) and just
> laying about looking at food television and reading my cookbooks....
> Question that rose from this lolling......
> Maple syrup......what do you put it on. I am soooooo disgusted by my
> Pennsylvania Dutch neighbors lately in that they put it on EVERYTHING.
> Can't go to the diner without syrup for your breakfast meats, ham, scrapple,
> sausage, corned beef hash..... Then dinner, syrup for the ham, the turkey,
> the pork, the beef........and lets not forget the starches and veggies, they
> have to have their dollop of syrup too. Can't go in the deli without all
> the meats being Honey ham, honey turkey, maple ham, maple turkey, cinnamon
> sugared ham, c/s turkey, etc. The last straw was syrup poured
> over......(drum roll please)......dill pickles. If my stomach had been torn
> up, that would have been the end of me, as I was nauseated by the thought of
> that one. Is it just a local phenomena that syrup gets poured on
> everything?

I put it on pancakes, waffles and French toast. If I have bacon,ham or
sausage and eggs with those things I have i on another plate so that I
don't get syrup on the other things. It is not bad on the meat, but maple
syrup on eggs is disgusting. I occasionally have a bit of maple syrup on
porridge, especially cream of wheat.

My grandfather used to have a small bowl of maple syrup with bread and
butter for dessert.