Thread: Maple Syrup
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Default Maple Syrup

Virginia Tadrzynski > wrote:

> Maple syrup......what do you put it on. I am soooooo disgusted by my
> Pennsylvania Dutch neighbors lately in that they put it on EVERYTHING.
> Can't go to the diner without syrup for your breakfast meats, ham, scrapple,
> sausage, corned beef hash..... Then dinner, syrup for the ham, the turkey,
> the pork, the beef........and lets not forget the starches and veggies, they

Having been born in Pennsylvania Dutch country, I am used to syrup
on scrapple and something called "pudding" which is a meat dish served
on pancakes. In general this other stuff sounds like new ideas to me.
Can't recall syrup being added to potatoes or vegetables. Of course,
I haven't lived there in almost 50 years, but I do visit a couple times
a year and have not seen this.

> have to have their dollop of syrup too. Can't go in the deli without all
> the meats being Honey ham, honey turkey, maple ham, maple turkey, cinnamon
> sugared ham, c/s turkey, etc. The last straw was syrup poured
> over......(drum roll please)......dill pickles. If my stomach had been torn

The honey and maple ham are pretty standard fare, and I guess the smoked
turkey meats could get the same treatment, though I prefer peppered. Never
heard of cinnamon sugared ham. The dill pickle thing sounds like some
local/family abberation.

Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.