Maple Syrup
Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> I have been out of the loop for awhile (rotten sick, not Norwalk) and
> just laying about looking at food television and reading my
> cookbooks....
> Question that rose from this lolling......
> Maple syrup......what do you put it on. I am soooooo disgusted by my
> Pennsylvania Dutch neighbors lately in that they put it on EVERYTHING.
> Can't go to the diner without syrup for your breakfast meats, ham,
> scrapple, sausage, corned beef hash..... Then dinner, syrup for the
> ham, the turkey, the pork, the beef........and lets not forget the
> starches and veggies, they have to have their dollop of syrup too.
Although I can find maple cured bacon in TN I don't care for it. It tastes
like syrup was poured over it. I don't want my bacon to taste like syrup.
I'd have to agree that maple syrup on everything would get really tiresome,
not to mention annoying.