nucleus wrote:
> we now need our third gasket for our Fagor pressure cooker. seems
> like Fagor has a bad design of their pressure cooker or a bad
> design/selection of rubber material for their gasket. we have tried
> all of the tricks for sealing the gasket, from oil to vaseline, with
> vaseline
> being the best suggestion.
Petroleum products like vaseline cause the rapid deterioration of rubber and
rubber-latex products. Silicone "rubber" may not be so affected.
> we suspect that Fagor's requirement that the gasket be replaced every
> 12 months, is a ploy to keep draining the consumer's purse.
Or maybe a way of avoiding problems?
> the plain gasket was NEVER a problem with the old MIRRO pressure
> cooker.
Did you use vaseline on it?