Maple Syrup
On Feb 28, 11:47 am, "Harriet Neal" > wrote:
> "Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote in message
> ...
> >I have been out of the loop for awhile (rotten sick, not Norwalk) and just
> >laying about looking at food television and reading my cookbooks....
> > Question that rose from this lolling......
> > Maple syrup......what do you put it on. > -ginny
> I use the real stuff, either from TJ's or Whole Foods...a little bit on top
> of plain vanilla ice cream, or fresh whole milk plain yogurt...a small
> bottle will last about 2 years, unless I make waffles or pancakes, then it's
> one year only!
> Harriet & critters (We have become mobile home/trailer people/critters)
Usually, I have a bit of milk and maple syrup on my oatmeal in the
mornings, and then I also use it on pancakes, waffles and french toast
on the rare occassions that I indulge in them. And I used REAL maple
syrup that comes out of maple trees. I also sometimes like a drizzle
of maple syrup over berries in the summer as a relatively sinless