Oops, I left a pot of tomato sauce out all night
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article .com>,
> "levelwave" > wrote:
> > I cooked up a big pot of tomato sauce last night for my dinner
> > tonight... well, I woke up this morning and realized I had left it on
> > the stove all night (covered - off the heat). It stayed out about 8
> > hours and the pot was room temp by the time I woke up this morning...
> > I placed the pot back in the fridge before heading off to work. If I
> > boil it when I get home will it still be ok to eat?
> Probably.
And that probability would be . . . 1 in 1000? 1 in 100,000?
Aye, there's the rub.