easy way to poach eggs
On Mar 2, 1:47 am, "itsjoannotjoann" >
> On Mar 1, 11:08 pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
> > I eventually smartened up and learned that lifting the egg with a slotted
> > lifter or spoon, setting it in a saucer, pouring off the water, then
> > holding the slotted utensil in place and inverting the plate, egg and all,
> > drained enough water to avoid that problem.
> Using a slotted spoon works for me, too. But I rest the spoon with
> the egg still in it on a clean dishtowel and dab the top of the egg
> with a clean paper towel to get the excess water off. And I love
> those poached eggs on a toasted split open lightly buttered English
> muffin. Yummmm.
Set it on a heal of bread that you would otherwise discard.
Greg Zywicki