Hillary's Presidential hopes shot dead on Meet the Press! :)))
On Thu, 01 Mar 2007 16:56:31 -0600, Emma Thackery >
>At a fundraiser for Rep. Rick Renzi, Bush said, "One hundred and
>seventy-seven of the opposition party said, 'You know, we don't think we
>ought to be listening to the conversations of terrorists' ".
I seem to remember a lot of Dems condemning listening to the
conversations of terrorist.
>Yet the White House staff was unable to document a single instance of
>even one democrat who said that or anything like it.
> Bush also lied and
>was deliberately misleading when he said the White House had no warnings
>about 9-11. They in fact had at least several warnings about planes
>being flown into buildings.
From what I remember, one FBI agent questioned the number of arab male
aliens, attending flight school. No I could be wrong so some cites
would be appreciated.
>Bush lies and makes misleading, silly-sophistic statements all the time
>as do others in his bungling administration. He is a person of
>uncommonly feckless character, incapable of defending the staggering
>incompetence of his administration with anything but lies and utterly
>dopey, imbecilic rhetoric.
And now you are getting into your opinions, and not facts.
Because in my opinion, the above might be imbecilic rhetoric, but that
would be a personal attack and have no meaning.