Hillary's Presidential hopes shot dead on Meet the Press! :)))
"Pan Ohco" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 03 Mar 2007 04:17:01 GMT, "Paul M. Cook"
> > wrote:
> >> So Paul, when a Democrat, with access to the same information as a
> >> Republican, reaches the same conclusion as the Republican, only the
> >> Republican lied.
> >
> >
> >You have it all wrong. The "intelligence" itself was all a pack of lies.
> >Bush lied. His lies were believed at the time and for those who were
> >dubious they felt they had no choice but to take him at his word. His
> >evidence was later found to be extremely dubious. His sources were found
> >be crackpots. He lied. He fabricated intelligence, cherry picked the
> >and took still more completely out of context. The whole of Congress was
> >duped. And you apparently still remain duped even in light of the truth
> >having emerged.
> >
> >Paul
> >
> No Paul , two bipartisan committees determined that there was no ,
> cherry picking nor lies. The findings of the two committees was bad
> intelligence, not malfeasance.
> And the Democratic member of the intelligence committee had access to
> the same intelligence as the president.
Except there never has been any committee appointed to investigate the Iraq
intelligence. Not one. As the republicans like to bleat "we are at war and
you do not investigate a war during wartime." And since the war on terra
has no ending, well follow the logic. However investigations are now just
beginning and already what they've uncovered is extremely damning.
As for congressman having the same access to intel, that is absolutely
false. They do not. Perhaps a very few do, who are on select committees
but overall they can not just go into the CIA and demand a briefing. They
are only allowed to see what the WH permits them to see.
You have a very weak grasp of facts and an even weaker grasp of reality.