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John Kane John Kane is offline
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Posts: 1,360
Default You know you're a Californian when . . .

On Mar 3, 1:57 am, "Bob Terwilliger" >
> sf wrote:
> > If the big one comes in conjunction with global warming and rising sea
> > levels, all I can say to you (Myrl) is "I hope you have a houseboat".
> > The levies will break and the flood plains will be flooded once again.
> > Honestly, I don't know why Californian's are still ignoring their levy
> > system after the New Orleans disaster. It happened there and it can
> > happen here. It's the price of delayed maintenance.

> *ahem*
> The word is "levee." The word you're using has a completely different
> meaning. Please learn the difference.
> (It saddens me when a California teacher misspells a word that Led Zeppelin
> spelled correctly. It also saddens me when a teacher misuses apostrophes.)
> Bob

Well it could be that a lack of tax monies is affecting investment in
the infrastructure.

Is levee the correct spelling? That is with out the accent? I had not
realised the word had become that anglicised.

John Kane, Kingston ON Canada