Hillary's Presidential hopes shot dead on Meet the Press! :)))
"Pan Ohco" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 03 Mar 2007 19:41:52 -0500, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
> >Pan Ohco wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Try rechecking the information on her husbands report.
> >> >> The New York Times, 7/18/04 . Not what you would call a
> >> >> news paper
> >> >> British commission reviewing Intelligence, that Blair use to enter
> >> >> war, found that Hussein did try to buy uranium in Niger.
> >> >> French officials also reported that Hussein sought uranium in Niger
> >> >
> >> >Blair was using the uranium story, which had been foisted on him by US
> >> >sources, to justify going along with the US. It was pretty
> >> >for him to go along with the US on the basis of forged documents, so
> >> >insisted that British intelligence had other evidence. A Parliamentary
> >> >committee looking into that came to the conclusion that there was no
> >> >to support the yellow cake claim.
> >>
> >> Could you give a cite on that Parliamentary committee.
> >> The British commission was reported 2004.
> >
> >I am sure that you know how to use Google. You have been passing on every
> >lie that came your way because it suited your agenda and tried to
> >everything that contradicts it. I am not going to play that game.
> Oh I see, I give you cites of where I get my information, you can't
> give cites and I'm playing games?
You provide no cites. None. Your kind always plays the defensive. Always
the picked on and misunderstood victim. And like all of them, you engage in
total projection. What you blame others for, is precisely what *you* are
doing. It's a classic defense mechanism employed by delusional individuals
meant to put your adversary on the defensive because you have been put into
an indefensible posture.