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Default Viking appliances

Avoid Viking fridge. Viking bought built-in fridge division of Amana
several years ago, and then found out why they sold it. They were having
REAL trouble meeting new government standards for efficiency. They had
to get two exemptions to stay in business while they worked on the
problems. They eventually passed, but just, and they still have the
worst efficiency in the industry. I would assume the wine coolers are
the same, as it's just a specialized fridge.

The dishwashers are supposed to be pretty good.


Aileen wrote:
> Hi all:
> Wondering if anyone has experience with the Viking dish washer,
> refigerator and/or wine cooler. I would also love to hear about the 48
> vs 60" all gas ranges.
> Sincere thanks for any input , Aileen ( in frozen North )