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enigma[_2_] enigma[_2_] is offline
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Default Fresh Food Labeling

Emma Thackery > wrote in

> Note that the key word there is "repeatedly". And, while I
> was thinking mainly of substances used during shipping to
> retard ripening and the like, I would also posit that the
> consumer will have a far easier time finding out how
> locally grown foods are raised.

why do you think that?
i suspect you *might* have better luck finding out how
locally raised produce is treated if you were buying it from a
farmer's market or direct from the farm, but not if it's being
sold at the local grocery.
i do have a caveat for folks buying from big 'farmstands'
though... *ask where the food is coming from!*. just because
<for example> Wilson Farm has a big converted barn farmstand
with all kinds of nice "fresh" produce, pies, jams &
jellies... it doesn't mean they actually *grew or produced*
any of it. there are regional produce markets, wholesale only,
where stores &, yes, farmstands go in the wee hours of the
morning to buy produce. some is 'local' & lots is imported.
you'll never know because Big Agribusiness killed the part of
the 2001 farm bill that required country of origin labelling
on all meat & produce. they felt it would hurt their business.
consumers pay more for things they think are local...
and while i'm ranting, don't buy Horizon organic milk
products. while they produce 70% of the 'organic' milk in the
US, they are a feedlot only operation that flouts the laws
that specificly require 'organic' milk producers to pasture
thier cows. they have several thousand (around 10,000) head in
a desert. no pasture, no outside access. complain to your
congress critters about properly enforcing USDA organic rules
& boycott Horizon/Cornucopia/Dean Foods. it is completely
unfair to the small farmers who play by the rules to allow Big
Agribusiness to flout the laws.
Question with boldness even the existence of god; because if
there be
one, he must more approve the homage of reason than that of
fear. - Thomas Jefferson