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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default Seasoning

"Dick Adams" > wrote in message
>I rarely use salt. It's not a health issue. It's just that
> my mother never put salt on the table. Over time I came to
> dislike salty foods.

Good for you, itoo much is not good for your body. Plus it is present in
sufficient amounts in many foods with out adding any.

> My primary condiments are black pepper, ground garlic, ground
> onions, and pepper sauce. My diet is changing and going more,
> and more vegetarian. The problem is vegetarian can be awefully
> bland and my condiments aren't making a difference.

There is a bigger problem. You need complete proteins, which are
present in meat, but not in other foods, so you have to combine
other foods to get the complete proteins. Unless you like the idea
of cracked, bleeding skin, dry hair that falls out, pimples, deformed
finger and toenails, and gums that won't hold your teeth in your head.

I would
> appreciate suggestions condiments to put some zest into a dish
> such as:
> A variety of sliced Bell Peppers
> Chopped green onions
> Chopped Kale (no stems)
> Chooped carrots
> Diced potatoes
> Shredded squash

Jalapeno peppers. Browned plump chunks of onions. Use a pepper
mill, fresh cracked pepper is a world apart from ground. A squeeze
of fresh lemon juice. A sprinkle of cheddar cheese! (No reason for
you to avoid dairy, it is not like your diet is based on religious belief.)
And add some tomatos at the end, but just warm them, don't cook
them to mush. Also: rosemary is a great zippy spice.

That said--if you are not going to eat meat, you had better learn to
combine things like beans and rice. You will be both sickly and ugly
if you neglect your complete protein needs. Study up on it online.