Julia Altshuler > wrote:
> The other important point (and again, I'm going by foggy
> memory) is that huge amounts of protein aren't necessary anyway.
> All the information about nutrition available now gives people
> the idea that the only healthy diet is one with exact amounts
> of carbs, proteins and fats, measured down to the milligram,
> and any deviation will give the dieter outrageous diseases.
> In truth, people need adequate calories, and they do need carbs,
> proteins and fats (and vitamins, minerals, fiber and water),
> but the exact amounts of which percentage of calories come from
> each isn't crucial.
While I agree that huge amounts of protein are not necessary,
I don't necessarily think the above is an accurate description
of mainstream nutritional advice. The FDA for example says
to eat a minimum of 50 grams of protein per day. That may be
more than is necessary but still it's only 10% of a daily caloric
intake of 2000 calories. That doesn't seem like a huge amount to me,
and probably anywhere from 10% to 50% or more protein would meet
FDA guidelines.
That being said, if your protein is lower-quality you probably
need more of it.