Thread: Seasoning
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Dick Adams[_2_] Dick Adams[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 105
Default Seasoning

cybercat > wrote:
> "Dick Adams" > wrote:
>> cybercat > wrote:

>>> Yes. I'm frequently amazed by the ignorance people exhibit regarding
>>> basic nutrition. There are so many people who, due to various media
>>> distortions of nutrition studies and their own need to oversimplify
>>> to keep it easy, think, "Fat Bad. Meat Bad. Vegetables Good."
>>> It's just not that simple.
>>> As for the OP, the dish he gave as an example had no rice, no beans,
>>> no dairy, and I saw nothing in his post to suggest that he eats those
>>> things. Or that he doesn't, as a matter of fact.
>>> Hell, maybe he will respond, we'll see what his take on it is. heh

>> I'm frequently amazed by the ignorance people exhibit when they read
>> too much into what isn't written.

> Oh, you ARE the OP! hahaha

>> I have chicken or fish at least two meals a week and red meat maybe
>> once a month. There's a hell of a lot of salt in canned foods. So
>> much salt that I dislike low sodium soups. I eat rice with dinner
>> 3-7 nights a week and sting beans whenever we have them. At least
>> once a week, my lunch is a baked potato with butter, green onions,
>> and chipotle.

> Well I am happy for you. You just sounded a little too
> self-congratulatory about the "vegetarian" aspects your meals
> were taking on.

Again you read what wasn't written.

> What do canned foods have to do with it?

Soup is food. Chicken soup is both food and medicine. At least
once a month we order out Chinese and my dinner consists of a
large 'Hot-n-Sour' soup. Soups come with more salt than most
people put on fries. When I use canned tomatoes in a recipe, the
salt in the tomatoes is more than enough for the entire recipe.

> Next question: why are you anti-salt? It's an easy way to add flavor
> to the bland vegetables you mentioned in your original post, and
> it is fine in moderation.

No where is it written that I am "anti-salt". I am at a loss as to
how you conjured up that idea. All I wrote is that I did not eat
much salt as a child and now find adding salt to food is distastful
to me. So why would you suggest I add salt?

Did you read the words I wrote or just the words that were not there.
