Thread: Seasoning
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Emma Thackery Emma Thackery is offline
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Posts: 575
Default Seasoning

In article >,
(Steve Pope) wrote:

> Emma Thackery > wrote:
> >
(Steve Pope) wrote:
> >> Emma Thackery > wrote:

> >>> I'm so glad you covered this because most of the (casual)
> >>> things I've read lately say that the combo directive is a total
> >>> myth based on no fact whatsoever.

> >> It is by no means a myth that you need a sufficient intake of
> >> essential amino acids to avoid diseases like pellagra.

> >> >The general impression I get from my informal readings
> >> >is that as long as otherwise healthy people eat a very diverse diet
> >> >(whether vegetarian or not), we won't have much to worry about.
> >>
> >> Yes, but this is true because a diverse vegetarian diet has the
> >> effect of combining various protein sources into complete protein.

> > What I was (sloppily) commenting on was the mistaken notion
> > that the exact combination of proteins must be taken in at the
> > same *meal*. Same day appears to be adequate.

> Yes, but if the goal is to eat complete protein over the course
> of a day, unless you are a family group that always eats all
> of its meals together, it is perhaps most practical to balance
> protein at each meal.
> Example: suppose I drop in for lunch at one vegetarian household,
> and they're eating legumes for lunch because they're planning on
> grains for dinner. Then I have dinner with another household and
> they're having legumes for dinner because they already had grains
> for lunch. I end up not eating complete protein that day.
> Balancing protein for each meal avoids this problem.
> Steve

It's your responsibility to plan your meals accordingly. If you find it
easier to balance proteins at each meal, that is your choice. But it is
only necessary to balance over the course of the day.