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barnabybarna barnabybarna is offline
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Default Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee: Kolorfool Kakes

In article >,
>Excuse me, but did I just watch an entire half hour cooking show that showed
>me how to make cakes from cake mixes and canned frosting?
>SLop considers cake to be "finger food"?
>SLop's "tip" of the week: The cake mix bag does not go into the mixing bowl.
>SLop lectured us about not greasing the angel food cake pan made me laugh
>and laugh, because I remember the show where
>she lectured us about the necessity of greasing the pan
>BLUE maraschino cherries exist!!!
>That cacktail consisted of half and half, color sprinkles (some call them
>"jimmies"), and booze made my teeth hurt! Who the hell
>would drink THAT with a meal of cake?

This show was insulting! Where was the creative part of this episode? She
added sprinkles to the tie-dyed cupcake batter. Oh please, I'm sure Miss
Stephanie bugged her to do this. And using six partial boxes of Jell-O™ for
such little effect, wasteful as usual. Wouldn't food coloring have worked just
as well (if not better)? And the icing on these two "recipes" were straight
out of the container and weren't even "dolled up". Okay, okay she did doll up
the box of AFC, but she called the AFC pan a bundt pan! Lordy, lordy, lordy.
She's truly an idiot in the kitchen and her staff is NOT covering for her.

The only value in this show was in snark value and this show was so stupid,
there wasn't even much to snark about. The "recipes", the hair, the clothing,
the butterflies, the sci-fi lilies - all mundane! I'd expect better from a
high school home ec class.

If she were a contestant on the Next Food Network Star, she'd be booted off
the first show. I can understand that The Wallet pulled strings so she could
have her own show. The Wallet quickly saw through the Semi-Ho and dumped her.
What's taking FNTV so long to do the same? Did part of her divorce settlement
include a payout to FNTV for a multi-year contract?

Perhaps her chefography will give us some kind of insight INto why Semi-Ho
still has a show. Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning
but I've been stewing about this since we found out that our dearly hated
Snadra was going to have her very own chefography. There should be a law
against having the words Sandra Lee and chefography in the same sentence. WHAT
AN INSULT! Yes, that sound you just heard was me shouting.

I'm going to have a couple of Icing on the Cake Martinis and calm down -