Thread: Lamb Chops
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Lamb Chops

Dimitri wrote:
> The other day while perusing the meat case @ Sam's Club I came across a package
> of loin lamb chops that was "price reduced" because the package was close to its
> sell by date.
> I snapped it up :-) I think there were 8 chops in all.
> I got home & marinated the chops in a little S & P, EVOO & smashed garlic.
> Came time for dinner. I preheated the oven to 350, cranked up a large cast iron
> pan & browned the chops on both sides & the spine and put the pan into the oven
> to finish cooking.
> My oh my, I had forgotten just how good and buttery tender a good lamb chop can
> be. A baked potato and some green beans sautéed in butter & balsamic rounded
> out the plate.
> Got a favorite lamb chop recipe?

I usually rub them with garlic and brush them with some mint sauce (not
jelly) and let them sit for an hour, then grill them, preferably on the

My brother kept telling me about a deal on lamb chops at a discount grocery
store around the corner near his house. He said there are close to 40
frozen chops in a bag for $10. I thought they looked small and too thin,
but what the heck.... for $10. I made up a marinade of lemon juice and
olive oil, garlic, salt pepper and oregano and let them soak for a few
hours then grilled them on the BBQ. We had quite a feast on just half the